You just have to know where and when it is happening......
Natural rock pools that appear as if by magic, when the tide is low, create natural clear swimming pools
inviting you to jump in and experience the raw energy of the Atlantic ocean.
Any visit to Kilkee should include a trip to the Pollock Holes, a spectacular natural reef found on the West end of the Horseshoe Bay. You can go to enjoy the beautiful view, the breath-taking sunsets, see the rich diversity of wildlife, or best of all, experience the thrill of swimming in one of the three main natural pools that appear every time the tide is out.
Planning is required if you want to swim or walk out across the reef, as it is completely immersed by the sea at high tide.
There are three main pools you will be able to find by the crowds gathered around each one. Chrystal clear and named after the pollock fish that swim in the pools, you can see the rock formation that creates this natural opportunity to experience the Atlantic Ocean in a sheltered calm pool freshly washed out by the tides and just meters away from the pounding wild waves that hit the edges of the reef.
If you are in any doubt about the tides, follow the example or ask any of the locals for advice, so you can enjoy this truly unique experience and stay within the safe limits of the Ocean.
You can find the Pollock holes in the west end of Kilkee, follow the signs for The Diamond Rocks Café, and you will find a car park where the road stops and you cannot drive any further.